Budget Paper 1 – Budget Speech

The 2024–25 Budget Speech was delivered by the Treasurer in State Parliament on Tuesday 11 June 2024.

Budget Paper 2 – Budget Strategy and Outlook
Budget Paper 3 – Capital Statement

The Capital Statement presents an overview of proposed capital outlays by each Queensland Government department, as well as a summary of the government’s approach to infrastructure provisions.

Document in sections

Budget Paper 4 – Budget Measures

Budget Measures presents a consolidation of expense, capital and revenue measures reflecting decisions since the 2022-23 Budget. 

Documents in sections

Appropriation Bills

The Appropriation Bills are available on the Queensland Legislation website.

Cost of Living Action

The Queensland Government understands that global and national cost-of-living pressures are causing challenges for many Queenslanders. So, this year’s Budget is delivering a record level of help at a time when Queensland households and small businesses need it most.

Budget Overview

Budget Overview outlines the Queensland Government’s strategic priorities and objectives and the State’s economic and fiscal outlook.

Budget At a Glance
Regional Action Plans

The Regional Actions Plans outline key Budget initiatives and projects announced by the Queensland Government for each region. Note: In a limited number of cases the expenditure for projects and initiatives, including estimated total infrastructure and capital works spending by region, may not match that presented in other Budget Papers due to different rounding approaches. In these instances, the more detailed expenditure presented in Budget Papers 3 and 4 should take precedence and be referenced.

Women’s Budget Statement

Last Updated: 10 June 2024