Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities across Queensland have historically been, and continue to be, confronted by a range of complex factors. The Queensland Government remains committed to partnering with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples across the state to deliver real change.

Initiatives supported by the 2024–25 Budget include:

  • $61.6 million over 2 years to continue delivery of the needs-based Indigenous Councils funding program and to establish an entity to support Indigenous Councils
  • $56.1 million over 4 years for the Truth-telling and Healing Inquiry
  • $40 million over 4 years for the First Nations Treaty Institute
  • $11.2 million over 4 years to deliver initiatives to support Closing the Gap. This includes funding to support the Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Coalition, the Doomadgee Place Based Partnership and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Wellbeing programs and Alcohol Management programs
  • $8.178 million over 2 years for the construction of the Coen Art Centre
  • $500,000 over 2 years for the management of discovered ancestral remains.

The Putting Queensland Kids First plan includes $20 million for family and early years school-based hubs in Aurukun and Kowanyama, $15 million for a dedicated partnership fund for non-government organisations and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community-controlled organisations, $5.8 million for more safe, stable and secure housing for First Nations families and $270,000 for a co-designed First Nations leadership program for young First Nations parents.

The $3.1 billion Homes for Queenslanders aims to make the housing system fairer and close the gap for First Nations peoples in urban, regional and remote areas. It includes a target of 1,200 social homes in remote communities, in partnership with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Councils. Complementing Homes for Queenslanders, the Queensland Government has announced Our Place: A First Nations Housing and Homelessness Action Plan 2024–2027, which is delivering initiatives co-designed with community, aimed at closing the gap and delivering housing outcomes for First Nations peoples in Queensland.


Queenslanders live in one of the most beautiful areas of the world with countless natural wonders. In order to protect and preserve our natural environment, the 2024–25 Queensland Budget is funding a range of initiatives including:

  • $247.8 million over 5 years for continued delivery of the $2.1 billion Waste Package, which includes funding for programs supporting waste management, such as local government waste management plans, grants to address illegal dumping and annual payments to councils to ensure no impact on households.
  • $125 million for implementation of the Future Fisheries reforms to support enhanced protections for the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area and a more environmentally sensitive and sustainable fishing industry.
  • $31.3 million over 4 years and $8.4 million per annum ongoing to continue planned actions under the South East Queensland Koala Conservation Strategy that address the decline in koala populations and preserve and restore key koala habitat.
  • $23.5 million over 4 years and $6.3 million per annum ongoing to continue implementation of the Threatened Species Program 2020–2040 to protect and recover Queensland’s most threatened flora and fauna.
  • $6.5 million over 4 years and $1.6 million per annum ongoing for stronger enforcement and evidence related initiatives to improve biosecurity leadership, including prosecutorial, enforcement, investigative and intelligence capabilities.
  • $1.9 million in 2024–25 for the RSPCA towards animal welfare enforcement activities and the upgrade of systems to support its regulatory activities.


Queensland has the second largest tourism industry in Australia. The government has a vision that, by 2032, Queensland will be Australia’s destination of choice for domestic and global visitors seeking the world’s best experiences. That is why the Queensland Government is investing in quality tourism products, attractions and experiences and making the most of our unique, competitive advantages. Initiatives supported in the 2024–25 Budget include:

  • $15 million over 2 years for the Growing Future Tourism Program to provide financial support to eligible Queensland tourism operators, not-for-profit organisations and local governments to deliver new and enhanced tourism infrastructure or experiences.
  • $10 million over 2 years for the Building Bush Tourism Fund to support delivery of the Bush Boost and Queensland’s long term tourism industry strategy.
  • Release of $3 million (centrally held) in 2024–25, matched by a co- contribution from the Australian Government, to continue to work closely with community and Traditional Owners to improve the quality of First Nations tourism experiences, deliver a range of initiatives and new events and support employment across Queensland.
Body painting


The Queensland Small Business Strategy 2024–2027 aims to build a thriving, resilient small business sector supporting local jobs and contributing to a strong economy across Queensland.

In the 2024–25 Budget, the government is providing additional funding of $19.7 million over 3 years for the Department of Employment, Small Business and Training to support delivery of the strategy. This forms part of a total investment of over $250 million over 3 years to deliver a range of actions, including:

  • additional funding for grants to support businesses to implement workforce solutions
  • new investment in cybersecurity support and safer retail precincts
  • continuation of the $650 rebate on electricity bills for eligible small businesses (co-funded by the Queensland and Australian Governments)
  • assistance to help small businesses recover from natural disaster events, including through wellness coaching and financial counselling
  • continuation of the small business grants program
  • expanded access to mentoring and upskilling for Indigenous businesses
  • access to free training under the Free TAFE program to ensure Queenslanders working in small businesses have the skills they need to succeed and grow.
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Last Updated: 10 June 2024